By 2032, our company aims for carbon neutrality and, through its awareness, will have a positive impact on society and the environment.
We will use reusable and recyclable materials for our consulting services, going well beyond recommendations: our services embody the values of sustainable development.
Our facilities will be inspired by the best practices in sustainable building. The energy management of our buildings and our fleet of vehicles will allow us to transition to renewable energy and reduce our carbon footprint. Similarly, our green alley will become a nurturing community space.
We are agents of change in our neighborhood through awareness-raising activities, particularly with schools in Montreal-North.
We influence our peers in the same industry sector and support our business partners towards eco-responsible practices. We will also train the workforce of tomorrow through internships and partnerships with learning institutions.
Spheratest relies on the well-being of its employees and aims to participate in their personal and professional development through its horizontal management approach, with the objective of achieving each member's decision-making autonomy within its team. Spheratest aims to offer professional services in line with its values, serving its clients and the environment. Spheratest encourages the entire team to assert their power to make a personal difference for collective well-being.
Spheratest Environment also encourages its suppliers, customers, and strategic partners to adopt environmentally responsible practices that integrate the principles of sustainable development.